丹阳市天峰工具有限公司坐落于鱼米之乡——丹阳市埤城工业区,东临长江,西临沪宁高速公路,南靠常州机场,北临镇江大港码头,交通十分便捷。 我司是丹阳生产钻头的重点企业,注册资金50万元。高速钢麻花钻、冲击钻、电锤钻、锯片等产品生产加工的公司,拥有完整、科学的质量管理体系。"天峰"与国内的多所品牌技术研究学院和研究机构建立了友好合作关系,致力于研发和生产国内、质量过硬的各类钻头产品。我厂发展至今,已经建立了的生产线,设有严格把关的质检部门.产品销往全国各地,部分产品已远销海外.目前我公司在外设有广东佛山办事处,上海办事处,我司的诚信、实力和产品质量获得业界的认可。欢迎各界朋友莅临参观、指导和业务洽谈。 Danyang Tianfeng Tool Co., Ltd. is located in Picheng Industrial Park, Danyang City, which is a land of honey and milk, in the west of Yangtze River, east of Shanghai to Nanjing Expressway, north of Changzhou Airport, south of Zhenjiang port; it has a very convenient traffic. Our company is one of the key enterprises in Danyang, specializing in producing the High Speed Steel Hemp Drills, Hammer Drill, Electric Hammer Drill, saw bit, with the registered capital of 500000 yuan. We have a complete, scientific quality management system. Tianfeng has made friendly relationship with domestic famous technology research institute   and the domestic many famous